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Arizona Growers

Arizona Growers
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Homemade All Purpose Cleaner

This Cleaner cleans up amazingly, leaving no residue behind only a fresh fragrant scent of your choice! I change the scents to match the season i.e. spring- citrus, summer-lavender, fall-cinnamon, winter-pine. Change it up however you like.
1 funnel
1 clean durable spray bottle
2 c White distilled vinegar
1 T antiseptic essential oil
(thyme, sweet orange, lemon, pine, rose, eucalyptus, cinnamon, rosemary, lavender, tea tree, etc.)
2 c hot water
2 t liquid detergent (dish soap)
* Add dish soap last so it doesn't foam up on you. I prefer unscented soap unless you are omitting the essential oils... it works without the oils too!
Add ingredients in order as listed with funnel into spray bottle and give a good shake. You will need to shake before each use as the mixture settles. Playing with the ratios is completely up to you, if you like more scent, or prefer less vinegar - go for it, it's your house!
Everything is cost effective except the essential oils can be pricey, check for sales at your local health food store or online. Storage is not a problem, the bottle will last you as long as a regular bottle of cleaner.

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