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Arizona Growers

Arizona Growers
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Sweetness of Listening

As I was having coffee on my patio this morning, I was mesmerized by a beautiful Hummingbird as he sought to gather nectar for the day. The plant he chose is usually blooming, full of large succulent flowers, and teeming with nectar, but today the flowers were closed shut. I was amazed at his instinctual ingenuity by sucking from the bud of the flower, an obvious "Plan B" since his source of the flower itself was closed to him. But I had to wonder if the Hummingbird was getting all he needed this way or if his Plan B was only second best. I wondered if the nectar was as sweet and fulfilling to the bird that needs his daily portion to go on.

It reminded me of how I listen. Often, due to busyness, I do not give my loved ones my full ears when hearing them, I am like the closed flower. If only I would stop and open up fully, I would be able to freely give the sweetness they seek, I would be nurturing them in the way that God designed I care for my husband and kids. They would be filled.

Oh, how this beautiful picture has so convicted my heart to listen with open ears so that I may impart the sweetness they so richly deserve from me. I pray that the next time, I am unconscious of my closed ears that God would bring that Hummingbird to mind, or to my window, so that I may love and listen completely to those that God has entrusted to me. I pray the same for you.

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