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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reviving Make Up Brush Cleaner

It is hard to remember to clean our make up brushes, but once something touches our face, it needs to be cleaned so as to not spread bacteria. A good rule of thumb is to clean them at least every 2 weeks. This wonderful homemade cleaner is so simple it will having you taking better care of those brushes with very little effort and at a fraction of the cost of retail brush cleaners.

Reviving Make Up Brush Cleanser:
2 Tbs Pure Alcohol
1 C Distilled Water
1 tsp Castille Soap

Have available:
Damp, new sponge or paper towel
2 Shallow dishes or small bowls
Distilled Water
Clean towel or paper towel
1 Clean towel folded


  1.  In shallow dish of cleanser, dip tip of brush, being careful to not wet the farrel (the metal connection between brush tip and wood handle). Do not swish the brush around, you will "muddy" the cleanser, just hold for a few seconds.
  2. Wipe brush back and forth on damp sponge or paper towel, do not rub or circle the tip. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until tip wipes clear.
  3.  Wet tip in dish of distilled water to rinse.
  4. Wipe again with back and forth motion to rid of excess water on clean paper towel. 
  5. Shape brush with fingers and lay flat to dry on folded towel with brush tip hanging over.
  6. When brushes are completely dry, fluff lightly with fingers and replace in holder. 

  • Always be careful to keep brushes pointed down when handling so water does not get into the farrel.
  • Grouping powder brushes, blush, and eye brushes together for cleaning makes it easier.
  • For heavy eye liner or lip liner brush cleaning add tip to a drop of Olive Oil on a paper towel and wipe gently for make up removal, then proceed with Step 1. 
  • Kabuki or powder brushes can also be "quick cleaned" by wetting tip with distilled water, applying a few drops of soap to a damp sponge, and wiping brush back and forth on sponge, finish with a water rinse and dry.

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